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Evaluation Work Sheet Month - February Subject- English Question Paper, Class 7th - Important Hints to Solve. मूल्याङ्कन वर्कशीट माह- फरवरी विषय- अंग्रेजी प्रश्नपत्र, कक्षा- 7वीं ~ हल करने हेतु महत्वपूर्ण संकेत

Skill based written questions
Section 'A'

Q. 1:- Choose the correct answer and write (any five)
सही विकल्प चुनकर लिखें।(कोई पाँच)

(a) The opposite gender for 'man' is...........

(i) girl
(ii) lady
(iii) woman

(b) Monali is the ......... girl in the class.

(i) tall
(ii) taller
(iii) tallest

(c) There are bridges on the.................... .

(i) rivers
(ii) buildings
(iii) trees

(d) In the lesson 'The Crowded Train'........... was without a ticket.

(i) the girl
(ii) Vinod
(iii) the T.T.E.

(e) The two merchant were searching their lost camel in........ .

(i) a forest
(ii) a city
(iii) a desert

(f) The Olympic games are held once in every........................years.

(i) six
(ii) four
(iii) ten

(g) The opposite of 'big' is.................

(i) small
(ii) long
(iii) bigger

संकेत :- (a)(iii) woman (b)(iii) tallest (c)(i) rivers (d)(ii) Vinod (e)(iii) a desert (f) (ii) four (g) (i) small

Q. 2:- Fill in the blanks with the correct word from brackets (any five)
कोष्टक में दिए गए शब्दों में से उचित शब्द का प्रयोग कर रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति करें।( कोई पाँच)

(a) A.................has seven colours. ...............................( rainbow /raincoat)

(b) My pen is.................... my pocket. .....................................................(in /on)

(c) Rani Laxmi Bai was born on 19 November 1835 in................................. .....................................( Kanpur/ Kashi )

(d) Lohri comes in the months of...... .............................( January / February)

(e) There was ........ milk in the bottle. ............................................( few/ little )

(f) I have been studying........ last two hours. (since/ for )

(g) They..................... playing football. ...................................................( are /is)

संकेत :- (a)rainbow (b)in (c)Kashi (d)January (e)little (f)for (g)are

Q. 3:- Match the rhyming words from column 'A' with column 'B'.
समान ध्वनि वाले शब्दों की जोड़ी बनाएं।

Column 'A'............................Column 'B'

bake ................................. sing
king ................................... pen
cat ..................................... cake
boy ..................................... mat
hen ..................................... joy

संकेत :-

bake ................................ cake
king ................................. sing
cat ................................... mat
boy ................................... joy
hen ................................... pen

Q. 4:- Make new word. (any five)
नये शब्द बनाएं।(कोई पाँच)

(a) re + write = .........................
(b) re + total = ..........................
(c) un + happy =.........................
(d) un + official =........................
(e) wondet + ful =.......................
(f) hope + ful =............................
(g) nice + ly =...............................

संकेत :– rewrite, retotal, unhappy, unofficial, wonderful, hopeful, nicely

Q. 5:- Complete the letter by filling the blanks using the words given below.
नीचे लिखे पत्र को खाली स्थानों की पूर्ति करते हुये पूर्ण करो। शब्द कोष्टक में दिये गये हैं।

( well,Thank,love,regards,gift,04 March,much, hope, dear)

124-Shiv Nagar,
I am quite ........... and .......... the same
for you. ....... you for such a nice ....... .
I Liked it very.......... .
Convey my ... to aunt Chhotu.
Yours lovingly
(your name)

संकेत :- सभी ब्लैंक्स हेतु क्रमशः यहाँ शब्द दिए गए हैं।

04 March, dear, well, hope, Thank, gift, much, regards, love

Q. 6:- Rearrange the jumbled letters to form meaningful words. (any five)

(a) lhil - h..........
(b) act - c..........
(c) oogb - g.........
(d) abd - b.........
(e) fier - f..........
(f) ainr - r..........
(g) kys - s.........

संकेत :– hill, cat, good, bad, fire, rain, sky

Project Work
Section 'B'

Q. 7:- (a) Write the name, colour and food habits of the animals found around you. (any five)

S. ...Name of ...... Colour.....Food

No. the animal.....................habits

1. ....... Cow ..........white grass

2.........goat ...... leaves

3. .... Monkey ......brown .....fruits

4. ........milk

5., red ...meat

(b) Fill in the blank spaces with proper words and then complete the puzzle.

(Take the help from Lesson - 4 Anita feebs Appu.)
नीचे दिए वाक्यों में उपयुक्त शब्द लिखें फिर शब्द पहेली पूर्ण करें 'लेसन 4 अनीता फीड्स अप्पू' की सहायता लें।)

Example :– 1. The banana tree was in Anita's courtyard.

2. Elephants can .......up a whole tree.

3. Anita was very ..................that day.

4. Anita thought that she could never .......on the back of an elephant.

5. Anita's mother wanted to ................... the elephant eating.

संकेत :-
(1) शब्द पहेली नीचे दी गई है।

(2) सही शब्द नीचे क्रमशः दिए गए हैं।

2. goble 3. excited 4. balance 5. watch

RF competition

I hope the above information will be useful and important.
(आशा है, उपरोक्त जानकारी उपयोगी एवं महत्वपूर्ण होगी।)
Thank you.
R F Temre

Watch related information below
(संबंधित जानकारी नीचे देखें।)

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