स्वच्छ सर्वेक्षण 2020 भारत | Clean Survey 2020 India
1. इन्दौर, Madhya Pradesh (लगातार चौंथी बार)
2. सूरत, गुजरात
3. नवीं मुम्बई, महाराष्ट्र
On August 20, 2020, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs released the Swachh Survekshan 2020, the 5th edition of the Annual Sanitation Urban Survey. The survey covered a total of 4242 cities, including 62 Cantonment Boards and 97 cities along the banks of the Ganges. The cleanest cities with a population of more than 10 lakhs are.
1. Indore, Madhya P radesh (For the fourth consecutive time)
2. Surat, Gujarat
3. Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
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I hope the above information will be useful and important.
(आशा है, उपरोक्त जानकारी उपयोगी एवं महत्वपूर्ण होगी।)
Thank you.
R F Temre
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(संबंधित जानकारी नीचे देखें।)