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विषयवस्तु विवरण

Modal Answer- English, 5th March 2021.

Skill based written questions
Section 'B'

Q. 1.' Choose the correct option and write. (any 5)

(a) There are .................... days in a week.

(i) six

(ii) seven

(iii) eight

(iv) nine

Ans :- ' (ii) seven

(b) A.........treats the patients.

(i) doctor

(ii) student

(iii) farmer

(iv) Pilot

Ans :-' (i) doctor

(c) Birds live in..................... .

(i) holes

(ii) nests

(iii) sheds

(iv) stables

Ans :-' (ii) nests

(d) The opposite of long is................. .

(i) high

(ii) healthy

(iii) happy

(iv) short

Ans :-' (iv) short

(e) the rhyming word of 'meet' is......... .

(i) hit

(ii) hot

(iii) heat

(iv) hat

And :-' (iii) heat

(f) The odd word among the following is ................... .

(i) mango

(ii) Apple

(iii) banana

(iv) table

Ans :-' (iv) table

(g) The thing which we cannot count is ................... .

(i) chairs

(ii) water

(iii) pencil

(iv) cars

Ans :-' (ii) water

Q 2.' FiIl in the blanks using suitable words from brackets. (any 5)

(i) The baby of lion is called a cub . (cub/ chicken)

(ii) The cuckoo is a singing bird. ( parrot/ cuckoo)

(iii) We celebrate Gandhi Jayanti on 2nd October. (Gandhi Jayanti/ Independence Day)

(iv) The tiger runs fast. ( elephant/ tiger)

(v) The plural of chair is chairs . (chairs/chair)

(vi) There are twelve months in year. ( weeks/months)

(vii) A clock shows us the time . (day/ time)

Q 3.' Match the columns.

(i) The bird flew in a .......................... hole

(ii) The cow lives in a ......................... den

(iii) The lion live in a .......................... shed

(iv) The snake live in a ...................... stable

(v) The horse new in a ....................... nest

Ans :-'

(i) The bird flew in a .......................... nest

(ii) The cow lives in a ......................... shed

(iii) The lion live in a .......................... den

(iv) The snake live in a ...................... hole

(v) The horse new in a ....................... stable

Q 4.' Rearrange the letters and make meaningful words. (Any 5)

(i) l l o d ................................................doll

(ii) rtee ................................................. tree

(iii) wsmi ............................................ swim

(iv) drae .............................................. read

(v) adnce .......................................... dance

(vi) oodr ............................................. door

(vii) plca ............................................. clap

Q 5.' Read the poem 'Spring is Coming' of you textbook and answer the following questions.

1. Write the rhyming word for- nest – best

2. Write two lines of the poem that you like most.

Spring is coming spring is coming,
Flowers are coming too,
Pansies, lilies, daffodils,
Now are coming through.

3. Which season is coming ?

Ans :-' Spring season is coming

Q 6.' Read the lesson 12 'The saviour' and write the given sentences in the correct order.

1. It was hit by an arrow.

2. Prince Siddharth was walking through the garden of his Palace.

3. Then he cleaned its wound.

4. Suddenly a swan fell in front of him.

5. Siddharth took out the arrow from its body.

Ans :-'

1. Prince Siddharth was walking through the garden of his Palace.

2. Suddenly a swan fell in front of him.

3. It was hit by an arrow.

4. Siddharth took out the arrow from its body.

5. Then he cleaned its wound.

Project work
Section 'B''

Q 7.' (A) Divide the names of persons, Places, animals and things, choosing from the box and write them in the table given below.

Rajesh, table, hen, Bhopal, Indore, Ujjain, cow, Rani, tiger, deer, toy, pen, Rekha, book, Asit, Raisen

no. Person .... place.... Animal.... Thing
1. Rajesh ...... Bhopal ..hen ......... table
2. Rani .......... Indore ... cow ........ toy
3. Rekha ....... Ujjain ..... tiger ....... pen
4. Asit ........... Raisen ... deer ....... book

B) Draw, colour and label any four fruits that grow in winter season.

Note :-' The picture of fruits name is given below.

RF competition

I hope the above information will be useful and important.
(आशा है, उपरोक्त जानकारी उपयोगी एवं महत्वपूर्ण होगी।)
Thank you.
R F Temre

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(संबंधित जानकारी नीचे देखें।)

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