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Modal Answer sheet– February 8th 'English' Question Paper

Skill Based Written Questions
Section 'A'

Question 1 :– Choose the correct option and write. (any five)

(a) Where do you do the ships sail?

(i) road
(ii) sky
(iii) forest
(iv) sea

Answer :- (iv) sea

(b) Write the rhyming word for 'free'.

(i) care
(ii) layer
(iii) tree
(iv) keep

Answer :- (iii) tree

(c) The comparative degree of 'small' is–

(i) smaller
(ii) smallest
(iii) small
(iv) smile

Answer :– (i) smaller

(d) Find the wrong pair.

(i) student – book
(ii) farmer – field
(iii) bus – driver
(iv) tree – sky

Answer :– (iv) tree – sky

(e) Write the opposite word of 'happy'-

(i) sleep
(ii) run
(iii) sad
(iv) enjoy

Answer :– (iii) sad

(f) A small area of still water is called–

(i) road
(ii) box
(iii) pond
(iv) river

Answer :– (iii) pond

(g) A tiger eats –

(i) grass
(ii) leaves
(iii) flesh
(iv) fruits

Answer :- (iii) flesh

Q. 2 :– Match the opposite gender.


king ................................... son
man ................................... queen
hen ..................................... wife
husband ............................. cock
daughter ............................. women

Answer :-

king ................................... queen
man ................................... women
hen ..................................... cock
husband ............................. wife
daughter ............................. son

Q. 3 :- Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below.

Once a woodcutter was cutting wood in forest. He fell down from a tree. He broke his leg. He was crying for help. A traveller was passing by on a four wheel horse cart. He saw the woodcutter and asked if the woodcutter needed his help. The woodcutter requested him to take him to the market nearby, where things are sold. The traveler helped him to the market. The woodcutter was grateful to the traveller. He gave him a large air filled balloon as a gift.

(a) Who was cutting wood in the forest?

Ans. A woodcutter was cutting wood in the forest.

(b) What happened to the woodcutter?

Ans. The woodcutter fell down from a tree and he broke his leg.

(c) What did the woodcutter request the traveller to do?

Ans. The woodcutter requested to the traveller take him to the market nearby, where things are sold.

(d) What did the woodcutter give to the traveler as a gift?

Ans. The woodcutter gave the traveler a large air filled balloon as a gift.

(e) Complete the sentence.

(i) Traveller was passing byon a four wheel horse cart.

Q. 4:- Choose and write one word for the following using the words given in brackets. (any five)

(traveller, balloon, woodcutter, cart, market, forest, gift)

(a) One who cuts wood.

Ans. woodcutter

(b) One who travels.

Ans. traveller

(c) A vehicle with two or four wheels pulled by horse.

Ans. cart

(d) The place where things are sold.

Ans. market.

(e) A thin bag of rubber that becomes large when filled with air.

Ans. balloon

(f) A large area of land covered with trees.

Ans. forest

(g) Something that you give to someone as a present.

Ans. gift

Q.5 :- Read the poem 'Another Chance' and answer the following questions.

1. Why do we wish for another chance? (give one reason.)

Ans :- We wish for another chance to make fresh beginning.

Note :- If the students mention another reason for 'another chance', then marks should also be given.

Give the rhyming words for-

beginning – winning

heart – start

forgiving – living

Q. 6 :- Complete the given application using the clues given in brackets.

(principal, student, night, grant, suffering, school, fever, come, days, application)

The Principal,
Government Middle Schhol,
Date : 03/02/2021
Subject : An application for leave.
I am Sumit Singh a student of class VIII in your school. I am suffering from fever since last night. I cannot come to school for two days. Kindly grant me leave for 2 days.
Thanking you
Your obediently
(Your name)

Project work
Section 'B'

Q.7 :- Complete the following puzzle.

1 feeling of happiness – pleasant

2. collection of valuable thing – treasury

3. who had to spend money – miser

4. one who steals – robber

5. very unpleasant – tension

Note :- Picture of puzzle is given below.

(B) Read the advertisement given below.

Note :- Picture of advertisement is given below.

Now write a paragraph about the tribal fair with the help of the clues given.

(venue, duration, organizers, stalls, dress, material)

Ans :- The main attractions of the trade fair are metal craft, stone craft, wood craft, comb and basket work, clay work, dress material and special presentations etc. The venue of this trade fair is tribal/rural trade fair. The duration of this fair is 2nd October to 30th October. The organizers of this fair is panchayat and rural development dept. MP govt., S.C.& S.T. welfare department. There are 7 stalls in this trade fair. Bagh prints, pithora art, madhubani printing type of dress material are available in this trade fair.

RF competition

I hope the above information will be useful and important.
(आशा है, उपरोक्त जानकारी उपयोगी एवं महत्वपूर्ण होगी।)
Thank you.
R F Temre

Watch related information below
(संबंधित जानकारी नीचे देखें।)

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