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विषयवस्तु विवरण

Model Answer Sheet English Class– 7 प्रतिभा पर्व 2021

Skill Based Written Question
Section 'A'

Q.1:– Fill in the blanks with the correct word from brackets. (any two)

(a) A boat sails on the rivers. (boat/car).
(L-1, The Rainbow)

(b) Vinod went to Bhopal. (Indore/ Bhopal).
(L-5, The Crowded Train)

(c) The merchants met and old man on the way. (man/ woman)
(L-7, The Lost Camel)

(d) My book is is better than yours. (good/ better)

Q.2 :– Choose the correct option and write it in the given place. (any two)

(a) How many colours does a rainbow have?

(i) seven

(ii) eight

(iii) nine

Answer :– (i) seven

(b) The Olympic games are held once in every .................years.

(i) two

(ii) three

Answer :– (iii) four

(c)The superlative degree of 'big' is .............

(i) big

(ii) bigger

(iii) biggest

Answer :– (iii) biggest

(d) The book is ....... the the table.

(i) to

(ii) on

(iii) up

Answer :– (ii) on

Q.3 :– Answer in one word. (any two)

(a) Who were searching for their lost camel?
(L-7, The Lost Camel)

Answer :– Two merchants were searching for their lost camel.

(b) who is a Chatter box?
(L-12, One Way Ticket-I)

Answer :– Bishni is a Chatter box.

(c) Where do the clouds sail?
(L-1, The Rainbow)

Answer :– The clouds sail across the sky.

(d) Can anyone travel in a train without ticket?
(L-5, The Crowded Train)

Answer :– No, nobody can't travel in a train without ticket.

Q.4 :– Read the poem 'I Love Little Pussy' and answer the questions.

(a) What do you see in the picture given with the poem?

Answer :– We a girl and a little cat (pussy) in the picture, given with the poem.

(b) Write the rhyming words for these words.

warm – harm

away – play

Q.5 :– Do as directed. (any two)

(a) Use the correct form of the verb given in brackets.

It rained yesterday. (rain)

(b) Use the correct article. ( a, an, the)

He is eating an apple.

(c) Write the opposite of underlined word.

I have a black shirt. white

(d) Write the plural of the following words.

(i) mango – mangoes

(ii) boy – boys

Q.6 :– Find the odd word from the given words and write. (any two)

(a) mango, apple, knife orange – knife

(b) river, pond, sea, road – road

(c) smile, laugh, weep, face – face

(d) white, car, black, green – car

Project Work
Section 'B'

Q.7 :– (A) Complete the word puzzle by reading their meaning definition.

(1) a structure across the river, road etc.

Answer :– bridge

(2) a place where aeroplanes land and take off.

Answer :– airport

(3) this runs on rails.

Answer :– train

(4) a piece of paper that give right to admission in a train or bus.

Answer :– ticket

(5) a natural flow of water from one place to another.

Answer :– river

(6) the place where we live.

Answer :– house

(B) See the picture carefully and answer the following questions.

Note :- The picture is given below.

(a) The above picture is from one of the lessons of your textbook write the name of the lesson.

Answer :– Lesson 5 The Crowded Train

(b) How many persons are there in the picture?

Answer :– there are seven persons in the picture.

RF competition

I hope the above information will be useful and important.
(आशा है, उपरोक्त जानकारी उपयोगी एवं महत्वपूर्ण होगी।)
Thank you.
R F Temre

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