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विषयवस्तु विवरण

Class–6th English Pratibha Parv 2021 Modal Answer Sheet

Skill Based Written Questions
Section 'A'

Q. 1:- Choose the correct answer and write. (any two)

(i) What did the king see going up the well? (L- 3 the 'King and the spider)

(a) a spider

(b) a snake

(c) a frog

(d) a mosquito

Answer :– (a) a spider

(ii) What did Arjun see on the tree? (L- 6 The Test)

(a) branches

(b) the bird's right eye

(c) green Leaves

(d) yellow fruits

Answer :– (b) the bird's right eye

(iii) What twinkles all the night when the sun sets? (L- 5 The Star)

(a) the sun

(b) the star

(c) the lamp

(d) the tree

Answer :– (b) the star

(iv) What was the age of Mahatma Gandhi when his father left Porbandar? (L- 4 My Childhood)

(a) nine

(b) seven

(c) eight

(d) ten

Answer :– (b) seven

Q.2 :- Fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets. (any two)

(i) Yudhishthir was the eldest Pandav Prince. (eldest/elder)

(ii) The opposite of friend is enemy. (enemy/companion)

(iii) The tree gives the fresh air. (give/gives)

(iv) The mango is the sweeter than berry. (sweater/sweetest)

Q.3 :- Match the animals with their young ones.

Column 'A' ............Column 'B'

(i) cow ............................... chick

(ii) sheep ........................... piglet

(iii) hen ............................... calf

(iv) pig ................................. lamb

Answer :-

Column 'A' ...........Column 'B'

(i) cow ............................... calf

(ii) sheep ........................... lamb

(iii) hen ............................... chick

(iv) pig ................................. piglet

Q.4 :- Write the plural forms of the following.

leaf – leaves

dog – dogs

tree – trees

calf – calves

Q. 5 :- Read the poem 'The Swing' (Lesson 2) of your textbook and answer the following questions.

1. What can you see while going up in the swing?

Answer :- We can see trees, village, river and cattle while going up in the swing.

2. Give two rhyming words for 'wall'.

Answer :– (i)Call (ii) tall

Q.6 :- Rearrange the letters to spell the name of games. (any two)

Indoor games....Outdoor games

oldu– ludo, toolfalb–football

arocm– carom, trickee– cricket

Project Work
Khand 'B'

Q.7 :– (A) Find the words from the poem 'The Swing' (Lesson 2) and complete the puzzle.

Note :- The puzzle is given below.

Left to right

2. wall

4. garden

5. tree

6. river

Up to down

1. swing

3. river

(B) Look at the pictures carefully. What do you see? Write names of any five things in the space given below.

Note :- The picture is given below.

Answer :–

kite , parrot, fruits, cat, balloons, knife

Now make sentences with those words.

Example :- The fairy is happy.

1. Parrot is green bird.

2. I like to eat friuts.

3. The cat jumped upon the table.

4. I had baught 4 ballons.

5. This knife is so sharp.

6. I like to fly kite.

RF competition

I hope the above information will be useful and important.
(आशा है, उपरोक्त जानकारी उपयोगी एवं महत्वपूर्ण होगी।)
Thank you.
R F Temre

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